Do It Yourself Last
Will and Testament
You don't need to pay a lawyer hundreds of dollars to draw up a will. It's
easy you can do-it-yourself with our self contained do-it-yourself kit as sold at
Includes all the forms and instructions needed to complete your own will:
-Save on costly Legal Fees Anyone who dies with out a will leaves control of their estate
to the state and NOT to the family DON'T LET THIS HAPPEN TO YOUR FAMILY. Anyone
who has had a loved one die with out a Last Will and Testament will tell you the same thing GET IT
We are making it affordable for anyone to get started right now!
This Kit covers everything: In just a few minutes you can have a legal enforceable Will,
it's easy. It's the best gift you can leave your loved ones.
-Simple Step-By-Step Instructions
-Contains Ready-To-Use Forms
-Valid in All 50 States
-Detailed, easy-to-follow instructions
-Sample forms
-Comprehensive glossary
-Ready-to-complete will forms
-Personal information record
-Statement of wishes
-Funeral requests
-Notification list
-Document locator
-Insurance record
-Will envelope